Monday, August 16, 2010


I got a theory... About a year ago I made up mind that I was going to live my life a certain way regardless of whom or what. So when I made that decision I had to analyze my ways and actions and measure whether or not they were according to my determined idea. So what did I decide? I decided that I'm ballin. Since I made that choice I have really examined that concept of ballin. What does it mean? How do you know when you reach that point? Do you have to spend a certain amount of bread?.. And I have come to a conclusion. I analyzed Ballin from an etymological standpoint (etymology: for all my fellow Intellects, thats your word of the day; do the knowledge). So I broke down the term I came up with a statement or better yet an affirmation= B All In. B all in, thats the underlying significance to this concept. You have to b all in the things that you decide you like, or that spark your interest, or into the clothes that spell out style for you. Or being in the spots that you like, pushing the whips you like, eating the food you enjoy; whatever it is that turns you on, you have to be in it. So you can look at it like indulgence. Supreme always says "Work hard, Play hard". Thats what its about, earning the right to enjoy yourself. Creating the freedom to do that which interest you; When you go to the mall cop, when you go to the lot shop. If you're into knowledge b all in it, be a scholastic baller; if you're into macking chicks b all in... gold, clothes, homes, whatever! Whats stopping you? Now, Im not encouraging foolishness, but I am encouraging ballin. Shinery! Show up and show out. Perform. Live lavish loving life. Here some theme music. Peace

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